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Work with me

The fusion of coaching techniques with a deep dive into Positive Intelligence® is a powerful approach as most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits.

What is Positive Intelligence®?

The Positive Intelligence® training is based on the research presented in Shirzad Chamine’s New York Times bestselling book Positive Intelligence®, and Stanford lectures.

This work is a synthesis of the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science. The research has included more than a million participants from 50 countries. The tools have been field-tested with thousands of tough-minded participants including hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams, Stanford students and world–class athletes, ensuring their efficacy.

Training your mental toughness strengthens the part of your brain that serves you and quiets the part that sabotages you. If you do the work, you will see immediate results. If you want to learn more about Positive Intelligence®, please visit

My Coaching Services

All of my coaching programs include a deep dive into Positive Intelligence®, which I call Mental Toughness Bootcamp. It contains the following:
During two months we will have weekly coaching sessions, and you will get 7 weekly 1-hour videos about Positive Intelligence®. Throughout the entire program you will be accompanied daily via the Positive Intelligence® app, and with my support by answering your questions and keeping you accountable for establishing lasting new positive habits.

I offer you different coaching engagements, which include:


  • Mental Toughness Bootcamp as described above in detail
  • Group of 6 to 12 people
  • Duration: 2 months


  • Mental Toughness Bootcamp as described above in detail
  • Group of maximum 5 people
  • Plus one 1:1 coaching session during month 3
  • Duration: 3 months


  • Mental Toughness Bootcamp as described above in detail
  • During the entire program coaching sessions will be conducted 1:1
  • 5 coaching sessions throughout month 3 to 6
  • Ongoing email support and extra coaching sessions depending on need throughout our 6-month coaching engagement
  • Duration: 6 months

Does this sound exciting to you? If yes let’s have a discovery call  to find out if your challenge is big enough to achieve a 5x – 10x return on your investment with our engagement and to create your individual offer.

What others say

Corinna’s coaching program and the combination of the Positive Intelligence® training and the weekly coaching sessions are a perfect fit. I cannot think of even the smallest thing that could be improved. The way she does the sessions is great. She manages a pretty cool balance between listening, giving tips, explaining, and asking questions, which makes it much easier to work on and think about difficult and stressful topics.

The coaching program has helped me significantly improve my relationship with difficult colleagues, handle unexpected challenges better, and become much calmer and more relaxed. I now have techniques to quickly regain my composure and move forward constructively, rather than getting stuck in a negative mindset. This has made me happier and more pleasant, which has enhanced my relationships and work environment. It feels so good!

M.Sc. Christina Schwarze
Specialist Product Development

Thank you, Corinna, for coaching me through a tough situation at work which seemed hopeless to me!

I experienced Corinna as a very emphatic coach, asking the right questions at the right time and creating an atmosphere of real trust where I could open up easily.

Learning about Positive Intelligence® from Corinna helped me a lot to understand certain behaviors of myself and others and helped me to find the best way to approach various difficult situations.

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Claudia Scholten
Innovation & Partnership Manager Pharma Solutions

Corinna helped me to lead a happier life – professional & private. I know, those are big words, but they are true! Thank you, Corinna!

Corinna guided me with a good mix of questions, input, Positive Intelligence®, little nudges, and some big realizations. And for me it was extremely helpful, that Corinna understood my professional world of a woman in technology and operations. I felt, I could just talk about my struggles and challenges, and she understood.

Corinna Freitag Testimonial _Bild Sibylle-rund
Dr. Sibylle Gruner
Green House Gas Emission Reduction in Operations Project Manager

It was great to be coached from Corinna Freitag! Her methodic is effective in managing your time better and setting your priorities.

I never have the feeling to be talking to a coach, but rather to a kind of friend who hears me objectively, understands me, and gives me advice, which works!

Thank you for appearing on the right time, Corinna!

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Dr. Aisha Naddaf
Chemical and Process Engineer in Research

Ready for your adventure with me?

I accompany you on your journey as a trusted friend & advisor to discover your true potential. I am your sounding board about your struggles and challenges you can’t share with others. I give you gentle and friendly nudges without being judgmental that you bring your dreams to life playfully with fun and ease.

With over 18 years working in automotive and chemical industry around the globe in various positions as Process Development, Project & Product Management, Technical Customer Service and Operational Excellence with colleagues on the shop floor up to Senior Vice Presidents I know and understand your professional world very well.